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           Napkin decoupage



Captain Bluebear storm light


What you need: 


corrugated paper, 


napkins with Captain Bluebear motif (or other), 

laminating film, 




something to put underneath to cut on, 

clear coat or glue for napkin technique, 



Cut off a long piece of corrugated paper. 

The piece should be at least four times as long as the motif you want to use is broad plus four inches that you need for gluing. 

It should be at least as high as the motif plus one or 1.5 inches.

Fold over the corrugated paper on one of the short edges (about 0.5 in). 

Then fold the paper in half. 

Open the paper and fold the short edges to the middle, too. 

Now you have got five parts: one small stripe for gluing 

and four squares in the same size.

Put something underneath the paper so that you can cut it with a knife. 

The corrugated side shows down. 

With the help of a ruler, draw a rectangle into one of the four squares leaving a margin of 0.5 in at each side. 

Draw a second rectangle into the next but one square.

Cut out the rectangles with a knife. 

Now cut two rectangles out of laminating film as well. 

These rectangles should be a little larger than the paper rectangles. 

That makes it easier to glue them to the lantern later.

Cut the motif out of the napkin. Separate the layers of the napkin. 

You only need the uppermost layer on which the motif is printed.

Put the motif onto the middle of the laminating film rectangle. 

Apply clear coat. Begin in the middle and brush towards the edges. 

Let the clear coat dry.
Glue the film into the window of the lantern. 

Do not stick it to the corrugated side of the paper.

When you have applied the film sheets, 

you only have to glue the lantern together by sticking 

the small stripe to the inside of the lantern.
Put a candle into a glass and put it into the lantern.

Author: Hexe



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