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         Tin cans



Tin can telephone



What you need: 


two empty tin cans, 

fishing or kite line, 


masking tape, 

pricker (or hammer and nail), 

optionally glue, 

paper and pens


The tin cans need to be open on one side, but still closed on the other. If there are any sharp edges on the open side, stick masking tape to the rim so that nobody will get hurt.

Put the tin cans with the closed sides up. Make a hole in each tin can with a pricker (or a hammer and a nail) right in the centre. 

Put the ends of the line through the holes into the tin cans.
Turn the tin cans over and pull out the line a little. Knot the line several times so that it won’t come lose.

Pull the knot back into the tin can and your tin can telephone is ready. 

If you like, you can stick coloured paper to it, too.

For using the tin can telephone, you need a second person. Each of you gets one of the tin cans. Go away from each other until the line is completely tightened. Be careful that it does not get caught anywhere.

If the line is tightened, you can talk to each other. If you want to speak, speak into the tin can. If you want to listen, hold the tin can to your ear.


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