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          Fuse beads



Savings box 


What you need: 


fuse beads, 

small square pegboard, 

greaseproof paper or baking parchment, 

dry iron, pair of tweezers, 

glue or wire, 




You need seven plates for the savings box.
Fill the five outer rows of the pegboard with fuse beads. Leave the next row empty and fill the rest with beads as well. Now you have got a frame and a small plate.

When you have finished applying the beads, preheat the iron. Do not use steam.
Put a piece of greaseproof paper (or baking parchment) on the beads and iron them until they fuse.

Let the beads cool down for some time and remove them from the pegboard. 

Iron the back as well.

For the third plate, leave two rows of six beads each in the middle of the plate empty and fill in the rest. This will become the slot to insert the money.

Iron this plate as well.

Tip: If you do not want your plates to warp, 

put a heavy book on top of them when they are still warm.

Then make two more plates on which one row on two opposite sides is missing.

Iron these plates, too.

Finally, you need two complete plates. Iron them.

Put the small plate into the frame and sew the edges together. This will be the bottom of the savings box. If you want to get your money out of your savings box later, you only have to cut through the seam.


For the sides you need the four plates without the slot. 

Put them together at a right angle and fasten them 

to the bottom plate with wire or thread. 

You can also stick them together.

Put the plate with the slot on top and apply it with wire, thread, or glue as well.


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