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          Bead weaving




Arrow pattern


What you need: 


bead loom, 



thin needle that you can pull through the beads, 


weaving pattern


The patterns are for rows of nine beads. 

Thus, you’ll need to cut off ten pieces of thread.
The threads should be longer than your workpiece is going to be.
Knot all threads together on both sides. Separate the threads so that you get two strands. Then put on the strands between the nails. 

Now you can distribute the single threads into the device.


These threads are called warp. The thread with 

which you apply the beads is called weft. 

Knot the weft to the outer warp.

Slide a needle onto the weft. 
String on nine small beads.

Weave the beads according to the
basic weaving technique.
For arrows, use the weaving pattern. 

Of course you can change the colours of the pattern.

You can tick off the rows you have woven in the pattern 

so that you do not weave any row twice.

The arrows are suited to the length of the woven item, not to the breadth.
Each square stands for a bead. There should be equal gaps between the arrows. When you have finished the pattern, you can also start again with it.


Weaving patterns:












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