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Die Subjektformen (Wer oder was?) der persönlichen Fürwörter lauten:


1. Person: ich: I
2. Person: du: you
3. Person: er: he
sie: she
es: it


1. Person: wir: we
2. Person: ihr: you
3. Person: sie: they

Wird das Fürwort als Objekt (Wem? / Wen oder Was?) verwendet, benutzt du folgende Formen:


1. Person: mir/mich: me (John loves me.)
2. Person: dir/dich: you (Sarah told you.)
3. Person: ihm/ihn: him (John talks to him.)
ihr/sie: her (The bag belongs to her.)
ihm/es: it (Sarah saw it.) 


1. Person: uns/uns: us (Sarah told us.)
2. Person: euch/euch: you (Sarah saw you.)
3. Person: ihnen/sie: them (John talks to them.)

Außerdem gibt es noch die Possessivpronomen, die besitzanzeigenden Fürwörter (Wessen?):


1. Person: mein/e/r/s: my/mine (This is my drink. She's a good friend of mine.)
2. Person: dein/e/r/s: your/yours (These are your glasses. They're yours.)
3. Person: sein/e/r/s: his/his (It is his t-shirt. Is this t-shirt his?)
ihr/e/r/s: her/hers (These are not her shoes. Hers are blue, not green.)
sein/e/r/s: its/- (The man turned the dog on its back.)


1. Person: unser/e/r/s: our/ours (This is our house. Are the keys ours?)
2. Person: euer/e/s: your/yours (Where are your pencils? Are these pencils yours?)
3. Person: ihr/e/r/s: their/theirs (Their cat is black. The black cat is theirs.) 


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