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Plant hanger



What you need: 


sisal cords or other, 

wooden ring or curtain ring, 

six wooden beads


You need three pieces of cord that are 3m / 9.8ft / 3.3yd long 

and three pieces that are 5m / 16.4ft / 5.4yd long.

Pull all cords through the wooden ring up to the middle. 

Then tie them together just behind the ring.

Now there are 12 cords, six long ones and six short ones.
Distribute the cords in such a way that there are groups of four cords each, two long cords and two short ones.
Use the long cords for knotting.
Start with one group of four.

Tie two straight knots. Slide a bead onto the cords in the middle.
Repeat this pattern with the other two strands.
Then tie 15 straight knots and apply a bead again.

Repeat this pattern with the other two strands too.

Tie 15 spiral knots, then 10 straight knots.
Then separate the single cords.
Now you need the flowerpot that you want to use. Tie the single cords together so that you create something like a net that fits around the flowerpot.

Pull all cords below the flowerpot and tie them together into a large knot.
Cut off the rest of the cords.




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