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Worry dolls



Worry dolls are little friends! 

Tell your worries to the dolls and let them sleep under your cushion. 

It is said that if you manage to leave your worries with the worry dolls, your worries will disappear. Try it for yourself!


What you need: 


crafting wire, 

coloured darning thread, 




some sand, 

matchbox or small box made from very thin strips of wood, 

covering colours, 


clear coat/varnish


Bend a piece of wire in such a way that there are two arms, 

two legs, a body, and a head.

Wind darning thread around the body.

Glue a tiny piece of paper around the head of the doll.

Wrap darning thread in a different colour around the upper part of the body. 

Wrap it one or two times around the paper at the head too (as neck).

Draw two eyes and a mouth onto the head. 

Apply a bit of glue onto the head and carefully dip it into sand (as hair).

All your worry dolls need now is a home. You can either use a matchbox, a small box made from very thin strips of wood, or a small bag.


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