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         Knitting dolly




Knitting dolly


What you need: 



knitting dolly (knitting spool), 

crochet hook or knitting needle


With the help of the knitting dolly you can create long, broad woollen strings.
You can use these strings for several purposes (as cord, girdle, hair ribbon, bracelet, etc.) or you can create other things with these strings.

Knitting dollies normally consist of wood. Their body is hollow. 

At the top there are four (or more) loops onto which the wool is cast on.


How to use the knitting dolly:

Pull the yarn through the knitting dolly from top to bottom with the help of a long needle or a pencil. It is important that the yarn hangs out at the bottom because you need to be able to pull it.
Wind the yarn around the first loop, bring it back to the middle, 

and wind it round the second loop (next to the right).


Again bring the yarn back to the middle, and wind it round the third loop.


Bring the yarn back to the middle and wind it round the last loop.


Now the yarn should be between the first and the last loop.

Wind the yarn round the outside of the loops.


Put the knitting needle through the first woollen loop and pull it slightly towards you.

Then lift the loop over the yarn and the metal loop.


Repeat this procedure with the next loop.

Basically, that's how you use the knitting dolly. 

Press the yarn against the metal loop, and lift the woollen loop up and over the yarn and the loop. A new loop is created at the same time. 

Then move to the next loop. Keep going until the string is long enough. 

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