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     Candles and holders


Modelling candles


What you need: 


modelling candle wax, 




You can buy modelling candle wax 

in craft shops separately or in complete sets.

The advantage of the modelling candle wax is that you do not have to melt it. 

You can use it like modelling clay.

Unfortunately, the modelling wax is quite hard at the beginning. But if you cut the wax into several smaller pieces, you can easily work with it.
Start with a small and simple candle. Create three long rolls in different colours. Then twist the rolls together into one.

Bend this larger roll into the shape of a circle and press it slightly together. Prick a hole into the middle. Pull a piece of wick through the hole. Press the hole together afterwards. Smooth out the edges. 


That's it!

Now you can create any kind of candle according to your ideas!





Modelling candle wax sticks to everything, not only to your hands. 

Thus, children should not wear their best clothes when modelling. 

If you are an allergic person reacting to cleaning agents or similar substances, carefully find out if working with the wax agrees to you. 


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