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    Candles and Holders

       Candle making


Abstract candle


What you need: 


old, coloured candles, 

tin cans, 


bowl or leak-proof box, 

wooden sticks, 

wick (preferably coated in wax)


Fill moist sand into the bowl or box.
Press a hole into the sand, using for example a cup, a stone or your hand. 

That's the shape your candle is going to get later.

Tie the lower end of the wick to the wooden stick. 

Mind the correct burning direction of the wick.

Put the other end of the wick into the sand 

(preferably in the middle of the hole). 
Place the wooden stick onto the rim of the bowl. 

If the bowl is too broad, put the stick onto the sand.

Put the wax, sorted by colour, into the tin cans.

Heat some water in a pot.
Place the tin cans into the hot water. 

Wait until the wax has melted. 
Carefully pour the wax into the hole.
You can also create candles with layers of different colours. 

Pour the first colour into the mould and wait until it has started to dry. 

Then pour a different colour on top.

Let the wax cool down. Depending on the size of the candle, 

this can take about one or two hours.
Carefully remove the candle from the sand. Wipe the sand off the candle. 

You can wash away the rest of the sand with warm water.

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