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          Bead Jewellery



Broad bracelet


What you need: 


small beads, 


craft wire


Cut off a piece of wire (about 2.5 m / 2.73 yd).
Slide one end of the clasp onto the wire up to the middle. 

Then bring both ends of the wire together.

String one or two beads on both ends at once.
Separate the two ends of the wire. Then string a bead on one end only. 

Pull the other end of the wire through the bead the other way. 

When you now pull on both ends, the bead gets fixed. 

That is how you string crosswise.

Now string two beads on one end and pull the other 

end of the wire through the beads the other way. 

Pull the beads tight.

Your bracelet gets broader if you add one bead per row. 

When your bracelet is broad enough, 

just string the same number of beads in every row.


When your bracelet is long enough, 

reduce the number of beads row by row until there is only one bead left.

Slide both wire ends through the second clasp. 

Pull the wire back through two or three beads and twist it several times.
Tip: You can produce necklaces in the same way. 

Just take a longer piece of wire.

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