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         Bead figures





Bead figures


What you need: 


beads (about 4mm / 0.16in), 

thin craft wire


Cut off a piece of craft wire that is 90cm / 35in / 1yd long.


String five beads onto the wire.


Then string seven more beads onto one end of the wire. Pull the other end of the wire through these seven beads from the other side.


Apply the next row of nine beads in the same way. 

The bead in the middle can have a different colour.


The next row consists of nine beads too.


Use nine beads for the next row. 

The bead in the middle has a different colour.


Apply a row of seven beads.


Use five beads for the next row, then three beads.

The next row consists of five beads again.

Apply a row of seven beads.

The next row consists of seven beads too. 

Use a different colour for the third and the fifth bead.

Use five beads for the next row.


For the hat, use three beads first.


Then string two beads onto each end of the wire. Pull the ends of the wire back through the last but one bead each.


String three beads onto the wire again.


The final row consists of three beads too.



Of course you can also use beads in different colours for crafting. 

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