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         Bead figures





Bead figures


What you need: 


beads (about 4-6mm / 0.16-0.24in), 

thin craft wire, 

round bouillon / crinkle wire


Cut off a piece of wire that is about 90cm / 35in / 1yd long.


String six beads first. Then string five more beads onto one end of the wire. 

Pull the other end of the wire through these five beads from the other side.


Apply the next four beads in the same way.


The next row consists of three beads.


Use two beads for the next row.


Apply a single bead.


String five smaller white beads onto each end of the wire. 

Add a golden bead to each end.
Pull the wire back through the five white beads on each side.


String a larger bead as head onto one end of the wire and pull the other end through the bead from the other side.


Now string six golden beads onto one end of the wire.


Bend the row around the larger bead 

and pull the end of the wire through the large bead. 


String another five beads onto one end of the wire.


Bend the row around the larger bead and pull the wire through  

the large bead again. 

Now the large bead is surrounded by smaller golden beads. 

This looks like a wreath or halo.


Pull both ends of the wire through the uppermost small bead. 

Separate the ends of the wire.


Pull thin bouillon wire onto the ends of the wire. 

 (Bouillon wire is fine spiral wire which you can easily pull apart.)


Bend the wire into the shape of angel wings. 

If you do not have bouillon wire, 

you can either use golden wire or string small beads onto the wire.


Twist the ends of the wire to the angel. 

Tie another piece of wire to the angel for hanging.





Of course you can also create angels in different colours.


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