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         Bead animals





Bead animals


What you need: 


33 beads (Ø about 8 mm / 0.3 in): 

19 black beads, 14 red beads, 

1m / 40 in / 1yd of sewing or crochet thread, 

two thicker needles (that you can still pull through the beads), 



Thread each end of the thread through one needle.
String two red beads and pull them up to the middle of the thread.


Then apply two red beads and one black bead according to the basic technique. 

The black bead is in the middle.


The next row consists of five beads: 

four red beads and a black one in the middle.


String five beads again, three black ones and two red ones alternately. 

The black ones are at the outside and in the middle.


Apply again four red beads and a black one in the middle.

Now there should not be any red beads left. 

Apply two rows of black beads.


The first row consists of four beads.


The final row consists of three beads. Now the body is finished.
For the feelers string three beads onto each thread.

Put the beads close to the body of the beetle. 

Then pull the needle back through the two lower beads.


Pull the beads tight.


Pull the thread above the row of the three black beads, 

then through the row. Now the feelers stick out from the body.


Tie the ends of the thread together at the side.



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