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         Craft sticks



Picket frame fence



What you need: 



12 craft sticks, 

wood glue, 



clear varnish


Put two craft sticks... 



...parallel to each other.


Apply a little bit glue on all ends of the sticks 

and put two more sticks at right angles on top. 

There is a square now.


Let the glue dry.
When the glue is dry, apply four more sticks. 

Glue a stick next to each stick into the square.


You need three of these frames.
Distribute the frames regularly on the picket and mark their positions.


Paint the picket or stick motifs onto it (e.g. letters, numbers, etc.).


Let the paint dry. Paint the frames and let them dry, too.


Apply the frames to the picket in such a way... 


...that the top and the bottom side of each frame is glued to the picket.


Apply clear varnish to the picture strip and let it dry.


Insert photos into the frames.



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