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         Bead animals





Bead animals


What you need: 


50 beads (Ø about 8 mm / 0.3 in): 

two black beads, 

three red beads and the rest a mixture of brown, 

red, orange, and/or yellow beads, 


1.5 m / 1.5 yd of sewing or crochet thread, 

two thicker needles (that you can still pull through the beads), 



Mix the coloured beads.

Thread each end of the thread through one needle.
String two red beads and pull them up to the middle of the thread.


Add another red bead according to the basic technique.


That is the tongue of the snake.


Add a row with two beads.


Then apply two rows with three beads each.


The colours of the beads should vary.
For the next row apply a black bead first, 

then two beads in other colours and then a black one again. 

The black beads are the eyes of the snake.


Then apply two more rows with three beads each again. 
Now the head is finished. 

Pull the beads of the head tight 

so that the head gets a little rounder.


What follows are twelve rows with two beads each.

Finally, apply five rows with only one bead.

Tie the ends of the thread together firmly.

Do not pull the beads of the body of the snake too tight. 

Thus, it remains flat.



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