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         Bead animals





Bead animals


What you need: 


73 beads (Ø about 8 mm / 0.3 in): 

one black bead, 

two red beads, 

34 green beads, 

36 blue beads, 

1.5 m / 1.5 yd of sewing or crochet thread, 

two thicker needles (that you can still pull through the beads), 



Thread each end of the thread through one needle.
String two red beads and pull them up to the middle of the thread.


Add another three blue beads according to the basic technique.


Then apply the black bead as the eye of the fish. 

String a blue bead, then the black one, and then two blue beads again.



Then apply seven rows of blue and green beads as body of the fish. 

You can see the exact order of the beads 

in the pattern at the bottom of this page.


Afterwards apply three rows of blue beads only (4, 3, 2).


The tail of the fish consists of three rows of green beads (3, 4, 5).


Finally, tie the ends of the thread together. 

You can also pull the thread back through the beads up to the narrow part of the tail and tie the ends together there. 

Then the knot is at the side of the fish and not at the tail.




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